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I can't wait for the full game!! I've seen the gameplay so many many times, I love it


literally begging for a second part i played this game probably a year or so ago and i LOVE IT SO MUCH


Hey Felix, that's very kind of you to reach out with such kind words. Thank you so much! You'll be happy to know I still tinker with Occult Case Files from time to time, but I'm still trying my best to wrap up our other game (The Third Shift) first. It shouldn't be too much longer for that, but once its complete then it's full steam ahead on OCF. Thanks again for sticking with us!
-Scottie at Teebowah Games



You wouldn't believe it I actually died before even reaching the attic, and no, it wasn't because of any spirit...

Anyway, I had a lot of fun replaying to explore what else I could do with the "non-essencial" stuff (couldn't figure anything out with the ceramic figure, but I figure a couple of thins with the rest c:)


Will you make a full game? This was creepy and fun.


Thanks! We plan to, just need to wrap up a few other things before we start in on full development.


This was great!  As a huge fan of the old NES ICOM games, I felt right at home with the controls.  It was a bit weird having to constantly pick a verb,  instead of the last used one staying selected but I think changing it now would be way more work than it's worth.

I hope you decide to make this into a fully fledged game!


Hey Abraxas, 

Thanks for the kind words! I totally understand where you're coming from with the selection staying selected. There is a key (I think it's shift?) that'll reselect what you selected. Hopefully that helps in the long run. I had it so it was set to stay but ultimately I took it out for reasons. Anyway, thanks for playing!

All good!  It took a bit of time to adjust to, but once I got used to it, it was fine.  I was playing with a controller - it felt more natural that way haha.  I can't wait for the full version to come, whenever that may be - I'm patient :)


whoa, I didn't realize you were the one(s) behind Fishing Vacation, too!  I've been meaning to check that game out for a while.  I need to get on that haha




Not my style, but really cool concept! 7/10


This game is Super good 🥺


I LOVED this game! Please make a full version!!!!

Thank you! And you've got it ;]

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The demo was wonderful and it was over much too soon! This has been one a few games that nod back to those old Macventure/Kemco titles and have gotten me introduced to the whole genre of this type of point 'n' clickin'. I'd be thrilled to see a full game of this.


I really enjoyed this, and I didn't even play these types of nes games  back in the day but this has gotten me interested in them. I was surprised at how atmospheric it was. It genuinely made me a little nervous at points. The room you enter were the music just cuts out; I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible because I was convinced something would happen if I stayed too long. I would like to play a larger, more fleshed out version of this game. 


This game is great.
You should consider Kickstarter or something. I'm sure if you did you'd get a lot more financial support for this.


Game is really good ~ will play again once the game is complete! 


THIS GAME WAS SO GOOD I hope that a full release comes out soon im obsessed it also scared me

Nice game! But can it be played on a PLatstation5 controller like any controller?

Hey Nigel, thanks!

I honestly don't know! I dont have a PS5 myself, I've only tested with an Xbox360 controller... but I hope it does work for you if you do try it out.


It doesn't work with a Playstation controller, it only works with an Xbox controller.

Ah, shucks. Well thanks for trying! Ill see if I can get it up and going here soon.


This was truly an amazing experience! The game reminded me a lot of Mortville Manor, which is among my favorite titles <3

The puzzles were logical and intuitive, which felt right. However, it sometimes felt a little bit too linear, but that’s mostly due to the lack of puzzles that overlap with other ones.

I would buy day one a longer version of this game!


Hey Deepnight, thanks for playing! Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I feel you on the linearity of it, ill try and address that with the full version!




Nice game! I did die a gruesome death..


Wow, this reminds me so much of a NES game called Dajavu. The NEStalgia!


I am so ready for the rest of this.

I need Moarrr, and btw the 1.9  version is stable in my playthrough, a lot of unused items in inventory, would love to see how the game will developed soon

Investigated a possibly haunted house and got eaten by house flys, 10/10. Seriously tho, really love point and click adventures, and enjoyed this one a lot. The actions menu is a bit tedious, really like it when p&c's just let me click on thing and display my options, so you dont have to move your curser so much, but its not a big issue. I didnt get to complete the investigation before time ran out, but I plan on trying again in the future! Hope you enjoy the video, and look out for a completed investigation in the future! 


I don't usually play games like this, but let me tell you after having such a fun time playing  Occult Case Files  I'm definitely going to look for more like it! I loved the style, I loved the story and I just loved the game haha! Really hope it gets a full version. Keep up the good work!


I don't play MANY games like this but I had such a great time. I did record my reaction if interested!!


Wow, I need more! Visuals, sounds, puzzles, and the scares were all so good!


wow i really enjoyed this! the art looks so cool, the atmosphere is super spooky, and i really liked the timed mechanic of having to get home by 5, it made for a nice challenge. i spent my first playthrough investigating everything and ran out of time lol, but by the second one i got a "to be continued" ending, and im so hyped for the full thing!! keep up the great work dude, its gonna pay off <33

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Great game! It's appropriately spooky and I love the occult premise so far!


It would be cool if I could use the mouse :) looks very nice

"Yes or No" prompts are still bugged. When I pick one, the game fails to progress and softlocks on the screen. (playing on keyboard btw)

(3 edits)

Thanks Dravis, I'll just revert back to v1.4 for now until I find out what the problem is.

Update: I think I've figured out the problem, if you could try 1.9 and let me know if that works for you I'd greatly appreciate it, thanks again!

Hello again, the game seems to work now. I played through it to the end. There was just a small bug that caused the Yes or No question to overlay the text on the last prompt (the one for the note) which I think may have been caused by progressing text too quickly.

I like the game btw, I'd like to see what else comes of it.

Hey, thanks Dravis!

I'll be sure to look into the last bug when I get home from work. But for now, thanks for your help with this and your patience!

(2 edits)

When I updated to the latest version, it always became impossible to progress when there was a choice of "Yes" or "No"... ;_;

(It occurred in toilets and fly boxes.)

Nice game, so I hope the problem is solved!

(1 edit)

Hey! Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We're looking into fixing it right now!

Update: Turns out when I set everything up for controller I accidently took out certain keyboard controls. It should be good in v1.6, thank you again so much for letting us know!

(1 edit)

Yay! In "1.9", it was possible to proceed from "Yes, No"! 

(I only checked the toilet and the fly box)

Thanks for the fix ;)

Thank you so much for the follow up!


Mac release, please?

We'll try and get it on there, for sure.

Please do! I'll buy it day one. I love these old point and click games like Shadowgate.


Seems very nice, congratz.


For a demo it looks promising for some point and click people but I am not one of them so unfortunately this isn't the game I would spend much time on.

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Pretty spooky game, loved the old timey look to it!

Fantastic game, equal parts nostalgic and spooky. Really reminds me of World of Horror which is, as far as I’m concerned, the highest praise! Looking forward to the rest!

I look forward to the full release. Right now I think I'm just going to show my support by funding.
(Also idk if it's a silent hill reference but very cool still.)


Good game!

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